Hallie Hospitality was founded based on one core purpose:
Making your short term rental furniture shopping cost as low as possible while providing the highest quality products to skyrocket your STR revenue.
No Membership Fees. No rigorous applications. No Subscriptions.
Hallie membership is free for qualified Short Term Rental hosts, property managers, and designers.
We bring on only the best manufacturers in the country who have products that Top Rated STR's use. We don't bring on anyone and everyone to be a part of our catalog.
This is how we ensure that the quality of the products that we offer remains high.
By partnering with Hallie you get:
- World Class Products and STEAL prices
- Property Manager support
- We're here to not just sell the best products but consult on what would be the best for your project
- Extended Warranties only offered through Hallie Hospitality
- White Glove Delivery for select products
- Access to our designers in helping you pick out the pieces that fit best in your STR
- Hands on team who responds positively to your requests and can get products you want even if we don' have them yet
All you have to do is apply here: https://halliehospitality.com/pages/contact
We look forward to you being part of the Hallie Hospitality Family!
- Hallie Hospitality Team